
Cyber Security Write-ups and Ramblings


This past weekend I decided to play around in the SHELL CTF in between working on my capstone project. Didn’t have a ton of time but wanted to knock out some forensics challenges. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, forensics in this CTF was more stegonography challenges than anything else. Still fun though. Challenges

HeroCTF 2021

Not much of a break from the Hack the Box CTF. HeroCTF was pretty fun. Didn’t have much time to poke at the challenges due to the multiple DDOS attacks on their servers over the weekend but from what I’ve seen the organizers did a good job. Challenge Write-ups

Cyber Apocalypse 2021

This week our Cybersecurity Club took part in Hack the Box’s Cyber Apocalypse 2021 CTF. WGU Fowl Owls ended up placing 195/4740 teams. Below are the links to the write-ups for the individual challenges. Challenges