This weekend was the yearly RITSEC CTF so I decided to give it a shot.

A team was required to sign up but you could register a team with only one player, which is what I did. The CTF took place from Friday to Sunday. Unfortunately I didn’t have any time on Sunday so a few of the challenges I though I could get done didn’t end up being completed.

My “team” NULL + Void ended up placing 78th out of 723 teams that took place in the competition.

Overall I realized I need to do quite a bit more work on my reversing and code work as well as stegonography. It was definitely a lot of a fun and I lost track of time while working. Ended up going to sleep around 4am on Saturday morning.

Below are the links to the write-ups for the individual challenges.

Forensic Challenges
Intel Challenges
Misc/Web/Crypo Challenges