
Cyber Apocalypse 2021 - Challenges



Unzip the downloadable file and view the slide1.xml.rels file. Inside is a command with some of the text backwards. Flip the text and decode the base64 for the flag.




Open the downloadable file with Ghidra and look through the functions. In the check pin function is a string with a ^9. Take the string to CyberChef and XOR with a key of 9 to get the flag.




View the website and intecept the traffic with Burp. A hint is given on the song names since AST is capitalized. Check out AST Injection for some more info. Insert a command to read the directory the flag is in an then read the flag itself once you have the name.




Have the website request file:/flag to read the flag.




Viewing the downloadable file tells us that requests with ../ will be replaced with a space. Exploit the LFI vulnerability by putting …/./…/. before the file to read the flag.